- Ikonen TJ, Kim B, Maravelias CT, Harjunkoski I. Supervised Learning of the Optimal Objective Function Value in Chemical Production Scheduling. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, accepted, 2025.
- O’Neill E, Lark TJ, Xie Y, Kim S, Dale B, et al. Available Land for Cellulosic Biofuel Production: A Supply Chain Centered Comparison. Environmental Research Letters, 20 (1), 014067, 2025.
(DOI: - Verma H, Jassby D, Maravelias CT. Superstructure-Based Optimization of Membrane Network Systems for Multicomponent Liquid Mixture Separation. Journal of Membrane Science, 717, 123574, 2025.
(DOI: - Restrepo-Florez JM, Chavarrio JE, Canales E, Witkowski D, Subramanian S, et al. Advanced Diesel from Ethanol: A Pathway to Produce Sustainable and High-Quality Drop-In Biofuels. RSC Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 9 (1), 98–114, 2025.
(DOI: - Neiro SMS, Madan T, Maravelias CT, Pinto JMA. Nationwide Planning Model for Argon Supply Chains with Coordinated Production and Distribution. Digital Chemical Engineering, 14, 100201, 2025.
(DOI: - Geissler CH, Haan NL, Basso B, Fowler A, Landis DA, et al. A Multi-Objective Optimization Model for Cropland Design Considering Profit, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services. Ecological Modelling, 500, 110954, 2025.
- Samadi A, Maravelias CT. Continuous Production Scheduling MILP Formulations Using Record Keeping Variables. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 63, 20252-20263, 2024.
(DOI: - McDonald MA, Maravelias CT. Sequential Decision-Making Under Uncertainty for Long-Term Energy Transition Planning. iScience, 27(12), 111288, 2024.
(DOI: - Wang X, Xiao M, Kim S, Zhang J, Cha M, et al. Enhanced Phosphate Anion Flux through Single-Ion, Reverse-Selective Mixed-Matrix Cation Exchange Membrane. Journal of Membrane Science Letters, 4(2), 100086, 2024.
(DOI: - Pastore de Lima AE, Coplien J, Anthony LC, Sato TK, Zhang Y, et al. On the Synthesis of Biorefineries for High-Yield Isobutanol Production: From Biomass-to-Alcohol Experiments to System Level Analysis. RSC Sustainability, 2(9), 2532 - 2540, 2024.
(DOI: - O'Neill EG, Geissler CH, Maravelias CT. Large-scale spatially explicit analysis of carbon capture at cellulosic biorefineries, Nature Energy, 9 (7), 828–838, 2024.
(DOI: - Bibik JD, Sahu A, Kim B, Unda F, Andersen TB, Mansfield SD, et al. Engineered Poplar for Bioproduction of the Triterpene Squalene. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 22 (8), 2301–2311, 2024.
(DOI: - Wang S, Maravelias CT. Optimization Methods for Plastics Management Supply Chain Design. AIChE Journal, 70 (8), e18464, 2024.
(DOI: - Song R, Zhao G, Restrepo-Florez JM, Viasus-Perez CJ, Chen Z, et al. Ethylene production via photocatalytic dehydrogenation of ethane using LaMn1−xCuxO3, Nature Energy, 9 (6), 750–760, 2024.
(DOI: - Mao C, Byun J, MacLeod HW, Maravelias CT, Ozin GA. Green Urea Production for Sustainable Agriculture. Joule, 8(5), 1224-1238, 2024. (DOI:
- Brædder Lindahl S, Maravelias CT. A General Framework and Optimization Models for Integrated Capacity and Production Planning. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 63(16), 7216-7226, 2024.
(DOI: - Li J, Van Lehn RC, Maravelias CT. An Explainable Classification Framework for Determining and Understanding the Suitability of Solvent Extraction for Bioproduct Recovery. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 12(14), 5436-5446, 2024.
(DOI: - Bajaj I, Peng X, Maravelias CT. Screening and Property Targeting of Thermochemical Energy Storage Materials in Concentrated Solar Power using Thermodynamics-based Insights and Mathematical Optimization. RSC Sustainability, 2(4), 943-960, 2024.
(DOI: - Pastore de Lima AE, Ryu J, Maravelias CT. Accounting for Costs in Attainable-Region-Based Reactor–Separation Network Synthesis: Models, Tradeoffs, and Insights. AIChE Journal, 70(4), e18341, 2024.
(DOI: - Samadi A, Maravelias CT. Computational Enhancements of Continuous Production Scheduling MILPs Using Tightening Constraints. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 184, 108609, 2024.
(DOI: - Song Y, Maravelias CT. LP-Based Preprocessing Algorithm and Tightening Constraints for Multiperiod Blend Scheduling Problems. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 63(9), 4030-4045, 2024.
(DOI: - Wu Y, Maravelias CT. Piecewise Linear Trees as Surrogate Models for System Design and Planning under High-frequency Temporal Variability. European Journal of Operational Research, 315(2), 541-552, 2024.
(DOI: - Taifan GSP, Maravelias CT. Multi-Technology Separation System Synthesis. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 183, 108616, 2024.
(DOI: - Chen Y, Maravelias CT, Zhang X. Tightening Discretization-based MILP Models for the Pooling Problem Using Upper Bounds on Bilinear Terms. Optimization Letters, 18, 215-234, 2024.
(DOI: - Geissler CH, Ryu J, Maravelias CT. The Future of Biofuels in the United States Transportation Sector. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 192, 114276, 2024.
(DOI: - Samadi A, Maravelias CT. A Comprehensive Chemical Production Scheduling Representation. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 181, 108552, 2024.
- Viasus Perez CJ, Restrepo-Florez JM, Ye J, Nguyen NT, Tountas AA, Song R, Mao C, Wang A, Gouda A, Corapi S, Ji S, MacLeod H, Wu J, Aspuru-Guzik A, Maravelias CT, Ozin GA. Carbon Photochemistry: Towards a Solar Reverse Boudouard Refinery. Energy & Environmental Science, 16, 6155-6167, 2023.
(DOI: - Kim B, Misra S, Maravelias CT. Lignocellulosic Fuel and Chemical Co-production. Joule, 7(11), 2403-2407, 2023.
(DOI: - Kim S, Dale BE, Basso B, Thelen K, Maravelias CT. Supply Chain System for a Centralized Biorefinery System Based on Switchgrass Grown on Marginal Land in Michigan. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 17(6), 1502-1514, 2023.
(DOI: - Taifan GSP, Maravelias CT. Optimization-Based Azeotropic Distillation System Synthesis Using Geometric Insights. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 62(31), 12220-12234, 2023.
(DOI: - Yu L, Liang L, Bajaj I, Seabright K, Keffer DJ, Ivanov IN, Chen H, Dai S, Ragauskas AJ, Maravelias CT, Harper DP. Tailored Mesoporous Structures of Lignin-Derived Nano-Carbons for Multiple Applications, Carbon, 118285, 2023.
(DOI: - Im S, Jung B, Wang X, Wu J, Xiao M, Chen X, Quezada Renteria JA, Iddya A, Dlamini D, Lu S, Maravelias CT, Ren ZJ, Hoek EMV, Jassby D. High-Efficiency Recovery of Acetic Acid from Water Using Electroactive Gas-Stripping Membranes. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(27), 10096-10106, 2023.
(DOI: - Pastore de Lima AE, Wrobel RL, Paul B, Anthony LC, Sato TK, Zhang Y, Hittinger CT, Maravelias CT. High Yield Co-production of Isobutanol and Ethanol from Switchgrass: Experiments, and Process Synthesis and Analysis. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 7, 3266-3275, 2023.
(DOI: - Adelgren N, Maravelias CT. On the Utility of Production Scheduling Formulations Including Record Keeping Variables. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 181, 109330, 2023.
(DOI: - Wang X, Im S, Jung B, Wu J, Iddya A, Javier QA, Xiao M, Ma S, Lu S, Jaewon B, Zhang J, Ren ZJ, Maravelias CT, Hoek EMV, Jassby D. Simple and Low-Cost Electroactive Membranes for Ammonia Recovery, Environmental Science & Technology, 57(25), 9405-9415, 2023.
(DOI: - Tountas AA, Peng X, Xu Y, Song R, Wang L, Maravelias CT, Ozin GA, Sain MM. Direct CO2-to-renewable Methanol: Outlook, Performance and Optimization Approach. Sustainable Materials and Technologies, e00630, 2023.
(DOI: - Bhandari S, Rangarajan S, Li S, Scaranto J, Singh S, Maravelias CT, Dumesic JA, Mavrikakis M. A Coverage Self-Consistent Microkinetic Model for Vapor-phase Formic Acid Decomposition over Pd/C Catalysts. ACS Catalysis, 13(6), 3655-3667, 2023.
(DOI: - Kim S, Dale EB, Martinez-Feria R, Basso B, Thelen K, Maravelias CT, Landis DA, Lark T, Robertson GP. Global Warming Intensity of Biofuel Derived from Switchgrass Grown on Marginal Land in Michigan. GCB Bioenergy, 15(3), 319-331, 2023.
(DOI: - Restrepo-Florez JM, Cuello-Penaloza P, Canales E, Witkowski D, Rothamer DA, Huber GW, Maravelias CT. Ethanol to Diesel: A Sustainable Alternative for the Heavy-Duty Transportation Sector. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 7, 693-707, 2023.
(DOI: - Taifan GSP, Maravelias CT. Integrated Membrane Material Design and System Synthesis. Chemical Engineering Science, 269, 118406, 2023.
- Kim B, Maravelias CT. Supervised Machine Learning for Understanding and Improving Computational Performance of Chemical Production Scheduling MIP Models. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 61(46), 17124-17136, 2022.
(DOI: - Avadiappan V, Gupta D, Maravelias CT. Production Scheduling Under Uncertainty in the Presence of Feedback: Model Comparisons, Insights, and Paradoxes. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 168, 108028, 2022.
(DOI: - Restrepo-Florez JM, Ryu J, Witkowski D, Rothamer D, Maravelias CT. A Systems Level Analysis of Ethanol Upgrading Strategies to Middle Distillates. Energy & Environmental Science, 15, 4376-4388, 2022.
(DOI: - Chen Y, Maravelias CT. Variable Bound Tightening and Valid Constraints for Multiperiod Blending. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(4), 2073-2090, 2022.
(DOI: - Bachman E, Tavasoli A, Hatton TA, Maravelias CT, Haites E, Styring P, Aspuru-Guzik, A, MacIntosh J, Ozin G. Rail-based Direct Air Carbon Capture, Joule, 6(7), 1368-1389, 2022.
(DOI: - Chen Y, Maravelias CT. Tightening Methods Based on Nontrivial Bounds on Bilinear Terms. Optimization and Engineering, 23, 1217-1254, 2022.
(DOI: - Misra S, Buttazoni LR, Avadiappan V, Lee H, Yang M, Maravelias CT. CPros: A Web-Based Application for Chemical Production Scheduling, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 164, 107895, 2022.
(DOI: - Li J, Maravelias CT, Van Lehn RC. Adaptive Conformer Sampling for Property Prediction with Conductor-Life Screening Model for Real Solvents. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 61(25), 9025-9036, 2022.
(DOI: - Geissler CH, Maravelias CT. Analysis of Alternative Bioenergy with Carbon Capture Strategies: Present and Future. Energy & Environmental Science, 15, 2679-2689, 2022.
(DOI: - Ryu J, Maravelias CT. On the Derivation of Graphically-inspired Feasibility Constraints for Distillation Network Synthesis. AIChE J., 68(7), e17740, 2022.
(DOI: - Misra S, Maravelias CT. Overview of Scheduling Methods for Pharmaceutical Production. Optimization of Pharmaceutical Processes (Editors: Fytopoulos, A, Ramachandran, R, Pardalos, P), 355-371, Springer, 2022. (ISBN: 978-3-030-90923-9).
(DOI: - Perez JM, Umana GE, Sener C, Misra S, Coplien J, Haak D, Li Y, Maravelias CT, Karlen SD, Ralph J, Donohue TJ, Noguera DR. Integrating Lignin Depolymerization with Microbial Funneling Processes Using Agronomically Relevant Feedstocks. Green Chemistry, 24, 2795-2811, 2022.
(DOI: - Neiro SM, Madan T, Pinto JM, Maravelias CT. Integrated Production and Distribution Planning for Industrial Gases Supply Chains. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 161, 107778, 2022.
(DOI: - Yu L, Seabright K, Bajaj I, Keffer D, Alonso DM, Hsieh C, Li M, Chen H, Dai S, Gandomi YA, Maravelias CT, Harper DP. Performance and Economic Analysis of Organosolv Softwood and Herbaceous Lignins to Activated Carbons as Electrode Materials in Supercapacitors. Frontiers in Energy Research, 10, 849949, 2022.
(DOI: - Pastore de Lima AE, Maravelias CT. A Generalized Framework for Reactor Network Synthesis: A Graph Theoretic Approach. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 160, 107722, 2022.
(DOI: - Taifan GSP, Maravelias CT. Generalized Optimization-based Synthesis of Membrane Systems for Multicomponent Gas Mixture Separation. Chemical Engineering Science, 252, 117482, 2022.
(DOI: - O'Neill EG, Martinez-Feria R, Basso B, Maravelias CT. Integrated Spatially Explicit Landscape and Cellulosic Biofuel Supply Chain Optimization Under Biomass Yield Uncertainty. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 160, 107724, 2022.
(DOI: - McAllister R, Rawlings J, Maravelias CT. The Inherent Robustness of Closed-Loop Scheduling. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 159, 107678, 2022.
( - Liu X, Shen Z, Peng X, Tian L, Hao R, Wang L, Xu Y, Liu Y, Maravelias CT, Li W, Ozin G. A Photo-assisted Electrochemical-based Demonstrator for Green Ammonia Synthesis. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 68, 826-834, 2022.
- Huang K, Peng X, Kong L, Wu W, Chen Y, Maravelias CT. Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation Potential of Chemicals Produced from Biomass. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 9(43), 14480-14487, 2021.
(DOI: - Peng X, Bajaj I, Yao M, Maravelias CT. Solid-gas Thermochemical Energy Storage Strategies for Concentrating Solar Power: Optimization and System Analysis. Energy Conversion and Management, 245, 114636, 2021.
(DOI: - Geissler CH, Maravelias CT. Economic, Energetic, and Environmental Analysis of Lignocellulosic Biorefineries with Carbon Capture. Applied Energy, 302, 117539, 2021.
(DOI: - Wu Y, Maravelias CT. A General Framework and Optimization Models for the Scheduling of Continuous Chemical Processes. AIChE J., 67 (10), e17344, 2021.
(DOI: - Ryu J, Maravelias CT. A Generalized Distillation Network Synthesis Model. Chemical Engineering Science, 244, 116766, 2021.
(DOI: - Dong Y, Maravelias CT. Terminal Inventory Level Constraints for Online Production Scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research, 295(1), 102-117, 2021.
(DOI: - Chang H, Bajaj I, Motagamwala AH, Somasundaram A, Huber GA, Maravelias CT, Dumesic JA. Sustainable Production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from Glucose for Process Integration with High Fructose Corn Syrup Infrastructure. Green Chemistry, 23, 3277-3288, 2021.
(DOI: - Adjiman C, Sahinidis N, Vlachos D, Bakshi B, Maravelias CT, Georgakis GC. A Process Systems Engineering Perspective on Systematic Design of Materials and Molecules. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 6, 5194-5206, 2021.
(DOI: - Restrepo-Florez JM, Maravelias CT. Advanced Fuels from Ethanol - A Superstructure Based Optimization Approach. Energy & Environmental Science, 14, 493-506, 2021.
(DOI: - Avadiappan V, Maravelias CT. State Estimation in Online Batch Production Scheduling: Concepts, Definitions, Algorithms and Optimization Models. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 146, 107209, 2021.
(DOI: - O'Neill EG, Maravelias CT. Towards Integrated Landscape Design and Biofuel Supply Chain Optimization; Review and Opportunities. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 31, 100666, 2021.
(DOI: - Wu Y, Maravelias CT, Wenzel MJ, ElBsat MN, Turney RT. Predictive Maintenance Scheduling Optimization of Building Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Systems. Energy and Buildings, 231, 110487, 2021.